Terminus Frontier Shea is over the Moon with this one!

25 days ago·Review·01:05:26·2027

Terminus Frontier

Published in 2026

1 - 4 players
60 - 180 min
3.6/5 complexity




Action PointsCampaign / Battle Card DrivenCard Play Conflict ResolutionCooperative Game


Terminus Frontier is a cooperative adventure game for 1-4 players featuring tactical squad combat missions, impactful narrative choices, and open-world space exploration. Take on the role of a Drift Hunter, an elite vigilante and soldier of fortune! Travel the stars collecting bounties on wanted fugitives and performing contracts for competing stellar factions. Your squad will perform heists on maximum-security compounds, engage in deadly firefights with xeno kill teams, and fly to the uncharted reaches of deep space on their mission for fortune and glory. You will be forced to make difficult decisions and face treacherous betrayals as you do business with the notorious denizens of the outer planets. Take the helm of your ship and prepare to discover your destiny among the stars! Experience over 60 hours of game play in this massive space odyssey! Progress along a persistent story campaign over multiple sessions, unlocking new secret content that can only be discovered by the choices you make along the way. Your progress is easily saved between sessions. Terminus Frontier features scenario-based missions. Players win by completing the scenario objectives (rescue the hostages, survive 4 turns, breach the door, etc). At the start of each round, the players will decide on their activation order (called Squad Formation). This determines that player's Initiative and Action Points. On a player's activation, that player can play Skill Cards from their hand to perform actions (move, shoot, melee, etc) or equip permanents into play. Combat is resolved using our dice-less Dual Weapon Ammo Deck system.


Jason Yeung, Jeffrey Yeung


Eldar Safin, Jessada Suthi, Admira Wijaya

Terminus Frontier

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