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HOW TO PAINT: Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game - Deadpool

13 days ago·Review·12:21·0
1 - 6 players
60 min
2.4/5 complexity
Rank: 1026


Comic Book / StripFightingHorrorMiniatures


Action PointsCooperative GameDice RollingModular Board


In Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game, the hunger takes hold after many superheroes in the Marvel Universe have been turned into zombies. You play as these infected heroes and will be eating people to satisfy your hunger...and objectives within the game. Marvel Zombicide is a stand-alone game using mostly the same Zombicide mechanics but set in the Marvel Universe.


Fábio Cury, Michael Shinall


Marco Checchetto, Henning Ludvigsen

Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game

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