Tabloid Teasers
Published in 1991
FROM THE BOX: One of these headlines appeared in an actual tabloid newspaper. the other three were made up by a group of friends playing Tabloid Teasers. Which one is the real one? In Tabloid Teasers the fun begins when you are given part of a headline that appeared in one of the national tabloids. Then all players fill in the blank to create a wild and outrageous headline of their own. Now all the headlines - including the real one - are read out loud and players vote for the one they think is real. If you're right. You move ahead. You also advance when you fool another player into thinking your incredible headline is the real one! If you're ready for an hysterical time of absurdity and fun - you're ready for Tabloid Teasers! (P.S. If you voted for #4, you picked the real headline!)